
Showing posts from 2018

# RainesReveals How Comparing Hurts Our Kids

As a society, we are quick to assume an issue instead of accepting a difference. It seems that children are constantly being compared to each other and this can have devastating consequences. As the new school year begins, lets take a look at the details surrounding this issue. It's easy to become overwhelmed as a parent and when we see other parents who seemingly don't deal with any of the things that we do, it can be easy to wonder if what we are experiencing is normal. Add in that it seems everyone is determined to turn their child into a protege, so there's some serious competition in the mix as well. I see so many parents who have their very young children in multiple, structured activities. Then, when the child is overwhelmed and starts underperforming, words like disorder and deficent are thrown around. Its crucial that we allow our children to be children. A few activities can be wonderful, but the majority of the week filled with activity after activity ca...

#RainesReveals Does Dressing Presentably Every Day Really Matter?

There seems to be an unfortunate trend in today's society of individuals going about their day in sleepwear and yoga pants. Now before I discuss the issues with this, let me start by saying that this is not about judging people for what they wear. This is about how our individual choices affect us long-term as well as affecting those around us. There seems to be a focus on self-love and self-care lately and it is wonderful to see. What some don't seem to realize is that this is directly related to getting dressed in real clothes every day. When we wake up in pajamas, spend the day in pajamas, and then go to sleep in more pajamas; it can have a negative effect on our psyche. What is the message that we are telling ourselves? That we're not worth the effort? This can permeate other areas of our lives. If we can't muster the energy to get dressed, how can we find the energy to be social or have the motivation to reach for and attain our goals? Not to mention the fa...

#RainesReveals Mornings and Hacks to Make Them Better!

I know that there are people who are genuinely not morning people. I used to be one myself. Then I started learning about subtle shifts that I could use to make all of the difference. How we start our day is crucial. When we first wake up, our bodies need time to reboot and generally speaking, most people don't get that time. If at all possible, when you first wake up, do some light stretching in bed or lay there for a minutes saying your positive affirmations. Above all else, wait to pick up your phone or device. The importance of mornings should be respected by being present. When you're present in the moment, you are ruling the day instead of the other way around. When your present in the moment, getting dressed, having your coffee or tea, helping your children, you get the opportunity to set a positive tone for the whole day. When your rushing around, stressing about the next thing that you have to do to be able to leave on time, it causes the day to be ruled by neg...

Why Biographies are a Key to Success

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." -George Santayana Today I finished reading  Everybody who was Anybody (a biography of Gertrude Stein).   As I’m putting together the plans for hosting my first salon, it was brought to my attention how valuable it could be to have some background on one of the most famous salons of all. Her story is amazing and I see a great many parallels between her life and my own. I also see quite a few differences. But the thing that resonates the most is seeing how the choices that she made led her to such a glorious life full of the kind of success that most dream of. It’s crucial to our success in life, both personal and professional, to read biographies. To see life through the eyes of those that lived it. To hear personalized accounts from people who were actually there instead of getting all of our historical information from generic history books. Whatever interests you, seek out th...

Boosting your Healing Response with Reiki

There is still so much mystery around Reiki and the amazing benefits that come with it. The core fact to keep in mind is that when our life energy is flowing freely and our body is in a relaxed state, our health and wellness can improve. The daily stresses that we all face make sustaining a relaxed state very challenging. By getting regular Reiki sessions, we can ensure that we are enabling our body to maintain that state that benefits us the most. When our bodies are in a relaxed state, all of our systems can function at an optimal level and these are tangible and undeniable results. Take this article  for instance: "The multileveled, rapid response to Reiki suggests a complex process that engages many body systems, simultaneously or in quick succession, shifting the body from domination by the "fight or flight" (stress) response to the relaxation response, and supporting the body's own healing mechanisms." So, when we are doing all of the t...

New Book!!!

Raine's Realm is proud to announce the prelaunch of our new book "A Month of Crystals and Oils"! Are you interested in using crystals but have no idea where to start? Are you looking for ways to incorporate the use of crystals and essential oils into your daily life? Would you like to know how easy it is to get massive results with easy to follow routines? This book is for you! We'll give you information on FOUR amazing essentials oils and FOUR powerful crystals along with daily ways to incorporate them into your routine. We've also included a section on the basics of getting started with crystals and how to get the most out of your essential oils. This book is perfect for both the novice and seasoned alike and is a wonderful reference to have on hand for years to come! The e-book is available for pre-order now and the paperback will be available by the end of May 2018! Reserve your copy  here  today for only $3.99 and have it automatically available as s...

April Newsletter!!!

April is the perfect month to spend extra time focusing on the seeds that you planted in March that are now taking root! Nurturing your plans and focusing on the most productive daily tasks will get you closer to your goals and give you the best results during this time. Remember that the small daily habits lead to the biggest successes! Earth day occurs in April as well and this is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on how we are all connected. Seeing those around you as your fellow travelers through life gives you a sense of comraderie that leads to a positive outlook in all areas of your life. We are all in this together! Correspondences of the Month : Crystal : Bloodstone Oil: Lime Colors: Light Blue and Yellow Herb: Lavender Element: Fire If you're not already doing so, take 10-15 minutes a day to meditate. Opening yourself up to the peace and focus that come with this amazing practice will equip you to handle your future successes mentally and physically! Sta...

Spring Cleaning for a Clear and Healthy Mind

So many times I see people who are so motivated to achieve their goals get held back and struggle. These people have effective plans in place and are taking action steps to reach their goals, but they may be overlooking something... We can accumulate mental clutter in our lives that can and will hinder us from reaching our goals. This clutter can come in the form of self-doubt, spreading ourselves too thin with commitments, and even toxic situations with those around us. Its crucial to our mental health and our ultimate success that we guard ourselves from these situations. If we find that something is taking from the quality of our life or blocking us from our goals, we need to evaluate. Questions to ask yourself about tasks, situations, and personal and professional relationships : -Is this really my responsibility? -If it's my responsibility, but it's hurting my productivity, can I delegate this task? -Is this taking away from the quality of my life? -Is this...

Planting Seeds For Massive Success!

We see so many successful people all around us. And, we see some not so successful people too. What determines the success of one, but the lack thereof with the other? Is it the environment? Financial starting point? the right connections? where they live? The list could go on and on, and all of those things can help fast track success but they do not gurantee the end result one way or another. The key to truly achieving massive success it to plan for it. The not so glamorous part of that is things like having a business plan. and a life plan for that matter... But, before you do any of that, you have to know what youre going after. This can change as your dreams evolve with your inevitable success. But, you need to have a current end result in mind. What would your life look like if you had no obstacles and you had achieved your biggest desires and goals? Engage your senses. What would it sound like, feel like, smell like, etc. Hold this picture in your mind. Now for the real...

March Newsletter!!!

It's finally here! The Spring Equinox, which is the perfect time to plant your seeds of intent for the coming months. Focusing on balance and new beginnings will give you a strong foundation for the exciting opportunities coming your way! The Spring Equinox (March 20th, 2018) is the time of year that we welcome spring and the beginnings of life and warmth that it brings with it. Its a special time when we welcome back the sun and start putting action into the plans that we have developed. This is an excellent time to plant literal seeds as a physical reminder of what is going on mentally. We suggest wildflowers. Correspondences of the Month: Crystal : Rose Quartz Oil: Spearmint Colors: Pink, Yellow, and Green Herb: Lemongrass Element: Air Meditation for the Spring Equinox This is an excellent time to meditate outside in the fresh air if at all possible. If you have wind chimes, now is the time to put them to use! Now, sit as comfortably as possible keeping your s...

Fresh Air for a Fresh State of Mind

As the weather warms up, we have a natural tendency to want to venture out into the fresh air. Any time that someone is feeling stagnant or generally unwell, its always advised that they go out and get some fresh air. Why is that? Fresh air is beneficial to everyone and is a crucial part of our total body wellness. It boosts our immune systems, cleans our lungs, elevates our mood, and increases our overall wellness. Fresh air is literally food for our chakras. We need it for our whole body to be in balance. When we have been stuck inside with stagnant air, we start feeling the negative effects rather quickly. It can manifest as lowered immune system function, depression, feelings of gloominess, negativity, things getting easily blown out of proportion, as well as a multitude of other issues. Fortunantly for us, getting fresh air can be quite simple most of the time. Open the windows and let fresh air permeate through your living spaces. Take a walk outside. The simplest of ...

Use Grounding to Gain Stability

Do you often feel anxious or overwhelmed with the stressors of daily life? If so, you are not alone! This is a common complaint, but thankfully, its also one that can be alleviated relatively easily through grounding. Grounding is done through firmly rooting yourself to the earth. No, not literally like a tree. When we establish or deepen our connection to the earth and nature, it creates a strong foundation for us. This, in turn, helps us deal with all the things that life throws at us in a much more efficient way. Grounding is associated with the root chakra with is the first chakra that should be focused on in the process of unblocking all seven. The root chakra is associated with basic needs, such as food, water, shelter, and safety; as well as emotional needs such as letting go of fear. Signs of root chakra imbalances are anxiety, emotional disorders, overwhelming fears, nightmares, eating disorders, lower back, leg, and foot pain; just to name a few. There are se...

The Positive Effect of Pay It Forward

Is the internal focus that we've grown accustomed to causing us to miss out on the world around us? It seems that everywhere I look, we as a society are so busy trying to get ahead in our own lives that is has become a culture of me, me, me. While there's nothing inherently wrong with getting what you want out of life, its crucial to find the balance. We are all connected and no man (or woman) is an island to themselves. We never know the struggle that others are going through or the burdens that our fellow humans are forced to bear. This is where paying it forward comes in to play. And, no, I'm not talking about the movie. Although it was a good movie right up until the end and because the end totally devastated me, I will probably never watch it again...but I digress. When you do random acts of kindness, you create a spark. It's quite exciting to see. Some people who are on the receiving end automatically light up, others may take a little while to process wha...