Use Grounding to Gain Stability

Do you often feel anxious or overwhelmed with the stressors of daily life? If so, you are not alone! This is a common complaint, but thankfully, its also one that can be alleviated relatively easily through grounding.

Grounding is done through firmly rooting yourself to the earth. No, not literally like a tree. When we establish or deepen our connection to the earth and nature, it creates a strong foundation for us. This, in turn, helps us deal with all the things that life throws at us in a much more efficient way. Grounding is associated with the root chakra with is the first chakra that should be focused on in the process of unblocking all seven. The root chakra is associated with basic needs, such as food, water, shelter, and safety; as well as emotional needs such as letting go of fear.

Signs of root chakra imbalances are anxiety, emotional disorders, overwhelming fears, nightmares, eating disorders, lower back, leg, and foot pain; just to name a few. There are several things that you can do yourself to become more grounded. Some of these things are nature walks, gardening, physical activity, martial arts, and sports. You need only focus on the things that appeal to you and use those to ground yourself.

When we are grounded, we are not only better able to handle the things that life throws at us, but we are also able to experience more peace and inner joy in our own lives. Grounding has the ability to benefit you as well as the world around you, so try to incorporate simple grounding practices into your daily life to reap amazing rewards!

There are occasions when our root chakra can become so blocked that it needs to be professionally opened before you can fully experience any benefits. If you deal with any of the above listed symptoms chronically, it may be a good time to schedule an appointment with a certified crystal healer. To have Raine assist you, go to to schedule your healing session today!

If you incorporate grounding into your routine, we would love to see your photos on social media! Use #rrgroundingchallenge on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. And, if you are not yet a member of Raine's Realm on facebook, feel free to request to join here


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