Spring Cleaning for a Clear and Healthy Mind

So many times I see people who are so motivated to achieve their goals get held back and struggle. These people have effective plans in place and are taking action steps to reach their goals, but they may be overlooking something...

We can accumulate mental clutter in our lives that can and will hinder us from reaching our goals. This clutter can come in the form of self-doubt, spreading ourselves too thin with commitments, and even toxic situations with those around us.

Its crucial to our mental health and our ultimate success that we guard ourselves from these situations. If we find that something is taking from the quality of our life or blocking us from our goals, we need to evaluate.

Questions to ask yourself about tasks, situations, and personal and professional relationships :
-Is this really my responsibility?
-If it's my responsibility, but it's hurting my productivity, can I delegate this task?
-Is this taking away from the quality of my life?
-Is this stunting my growth in some way?
-Is this causing me to use negative  language instead of positive conscious language?

These are just a few questions to get you started.  When we guard ourselves and keep our mental clutter to a minimum, it leaves room for our seeds of manifestation to thrive! If you aren't familiar with that term, you can learn more about it here. When we have the determination to succeed and we also create the space for our goals to firmly take root, the possibilities are absolutely limitless. So, take a few minutes to "weed" your mental garden regularly and watch your ambitions truly flourish!

If you are struggling with blocks and feel as if you need assistance to push through, we at Raine's Realm would love to help! Check out rainesrealm.com for our services and to book your appointment today.


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