#RainesReveals Mornings and Hacks to Make Them Better!

I know that there are people who are genuinely not morning people. I used to be one myself. Then I started learning about subtle shifts that I could use to make all of the difference.

How we start our day is crucial. When we first wake up, our bodies need time to reboot and generally speaking, most people don't get that time. If at all possible, when you first wake up, do some light stretching in bed or lay there for a minutes saying your positive affirmations. Above all else, wait to pick up your phone or device.

The importance of mornings should be respected by being present. When you're present in the moment, you are ruling the day instead of the other way around. When your present in the moment, getting dressed, having your coffee or tea, helping your children, you get the opportunity to set a positive tone for the whole day. When your rushing around, stressing about the next thing that you have to do to be able to leave on time, it causes the day to be ruled by negative feelings.

A key to making mornings more manageable is to prepare the night before. If you're going to cook breakfast, put your nonperishables out neatly so that they'll be ready to go. If you'll need a pot or pan, go ahead and get it out too. If you're having coffee, get the coffee pot ready. By taking five minutes in the evening, you ensure that you're not scrambling around trying to find something when you're half-asleep.

If you have small children and you have plans to leave the house the next day, go ahead and take the time to pack the things that you'll need the night before. This ensures that you won't have to search for anything first thing in the morning and also that you're less likely to forget something.

These two things probably take a total of ten minutes, maybe fifteen. So, you can greatly reduce your stress and rushing first thing in the morning just by implementing these things and having a positive and present attitude.

This last point is crucial for everyone, but especially for mothers of young children. I know that when you know that you aren't leaving the house that day and you\'re only going to be surrounded by diapers and crayons that it's easy to skip getting dressed. The problem with this is that it will take a toll on your subconscious after a while. This can present itself as severe lack of energy, depression, anxiety, being anti-social, negative self-image, and many other ways.

It may seem like a trivial thing, but one of the most important things that you can do every morning is to put on real clothes, whether you're leaving the house or not.You deserve it, your children deserve it, and so does the world around you.

I go into more depth on this topic in my upcoming book, "Manifest Success" that will be released this fall. I hope that this has given you some insight into mornings and I would love to hear your thoughts! You can find my video on this subject here

If you are feeling stuck in some area of your life, Raine's Realm would love to help! Check out our services and book your appointment here.


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