May 2019 Newsletter

May is such a special time of the year. The sunshine and increasing temperatures stir that passion and vitality that is so accurately associated with this time of year. Take this time to embrace your true self and focus on manifesting all of your desires! Pay special attention to fertility. This can be in the literal sense or it can be fertility in business dealings, personal relationships, or individual goals. Be sure to give your desires the attention they deserve to draw them into reality. Focus on outcomes and show gratitude for your accomplishments, past, present, and future.

Positive affirmation for May
"My desires come easily to me and I manifest my reality in every thing that I do"

May Correspondences
Color - Orange
Herbs - Cinnamon and Sandalwood
Oils - Patchouli and Frankincense
Crystal - Carnelian

Important Dates in May
Beltane - 1st

New Moon – 4th
Full Moon -  18th

Activities for May
  • Spend at least a half hour outside barefoot. Grounding reinforces your connection to the Earth
  • Plan a picnic with friends
  • Plant flowers in a place where you will see them every day
  • Put on your favorite music and dance as an offering to your Higher Self
  • Light an orange candle and meditate on manifesting your desires

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