Spiritual Cleansing for Mental and Physical Wellbeing
Do you ever just feel completely stuck? Or weighed down? Like something's off or just not right?
We're all made of energy and vibrations. I think we can all agree and that. And, we know that when we come into contact with other people, we exchange that energy. Our thoughts (both the good and bad) also effect our energy. Anything that affects our energy, affects our vibrations. This is the baseline to be able to understand spiritual cleansing.
Heres a visual of what happens. People we come into contact with and our not-so-stellar thoughts can cause an energetic or spiritual "build up ". When this happens, we may notice that we're sluggish, we may be feeling a bit down for no apparent reason, we may notice that our manifesting has come to a halt, or we feel unusually stressed.
When this happens, the only real way to fix it is by spiritual cleansing. This removes all of that energetic baggage that we've accumulated and resets our energy back to a balanced, positive state.
We can do this a few different ways. For deep cleansing, spiritual baths are the way to go! For those of us who have very busy lives, spiritual soaps are an excellent choice. I suggest smudging and using selenite in conjunction with spiritual baths and soaps.
If you've never done a spiritual cleansing before, I suggest doing a bath or using a soap for seven days the first time. You should notice a difference after the first time, but keep going. The feeling after completing this type of cleansing is incredible! Remember though, after cleansing, you should be sure to protect your energy. You can do this with protective crystals like black tourmaline and hematite or you can use protection oil.
Whatever method you decide to use, the important thing is that you take care of yourself by spiritually cleansing regularly, protecting your energy, and not subjecting yourself to situations that damage your vibrations. Also, watch the negative self-talk! That is more damaging than all the other things combined.
If you are looking for spiritual baths or soaps, check out our Facebook shop ! We would love to hear about your experiences with spiritual cleansing, so please share them below! May you manifest success in whatever you do!
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