
Showing posts from February, 2018

Fresh Air for a Fresh State of Mind

As the weather warms up, we have a natural tendency to want to venture out into the fresh air. Any time that someone is feeling stagnant or generally unwell, its always advised that they go out and get some fresh air. Why is that? Fresh air is beneficial to everyone and is a crucial part of our total body wellness. It boosts our immune systems, cleans our lungs, elevates our mood, and increases our overall wellness. Fresh air is literally food for our chakras. We need it for our whole body to be in balance. When we have been stuck inside with stagnant air, we start feeling the negative effects rather quickly. It can manifest as lowered immune system function, depression, feelings of gloominess, negativity, things getting easily blown out of proportion, as well as a multitude of other issues. Fortunantly for us, getting fresh air can be quite simple most of the time. Open the windows and let fresh air permeate through your living spaces. Take a walk outside. The simplest of ...

Use Grounding to Gain Stability

Do you often feel anxious or overwhelmed with the stressors of daily life? If so, you are not alone! This is a common complaint, but thankfully, its also one that can be alleviated relatively easily through grounding. Grounding is done through firmly rooting yourself to the earth. No, not literally like a tree. When we establish or deepen our connection to the earth and nature, it creates a strong foundation for us. This, in turn, helps us deal with all the things that life throws at us in a much more efficient way. Grounding is associated with the root chakra with is the first chakra that should be focused on in the process of unblocking all seven. The root chakra is associated with basic needs, such as food, water, shelter, and safety; as well as emotional needs such as letting go of fear. Signs of root chakra imbalances are anxiety, emotional disorders, overwhelming fears, nightmares, eating disorders, lower back, leg, and foot pain; just to name a few. There are se...

The Positive Effect of Pay It Forward

Is the internal focus that we've grown accustomed to causing us to miss out on the world around us? It seems that everywhere I look, we as a society are so busy trying to get ahead in our own lives that is has become a culture of me, me, me. While there's nothing inherently wrong with getting what you want out of life, its crucial to find the balance. We are all connected and no man (or woman) is an island to themselves. We never know the struggle that others are going through or the burdens that our fellow humans are forced to bear. This is where paying it forward comes in to play. And, no, I'm not talking about the movie. Although it was a good movie right up until the end and because the end totally devastated me, I will probably never watch it again...but I digress. When you do random acts of kindness, you create a spark. It's quite exciting to see. Some people who are on the receiving end automatically light up, others may take a little while to process wha...