Oh Thieves Essential Oil, How I Love Thee!
So its definitely that time of year. The time when everyone around us is either in the middle of being sick, starting to get sick, or almost over being sick. Its rough! So, what is one to do when running the gauntlet of illness smack dab in the middle of the holidays? My go-to for getting us through this time and throughout the whole year, is my Thieves blend essential oil. I love it! The smell is amazing and its such a comfort to have this in my toolbox. It smells like the holidays, which then makes me wonder if the holidays smell like the holidays because people double up on these specific ingredients during this time...but I digress... I use thieves literally every way that I possibly can! I diffuse it throughout the day. I make roller bottles with it that we all apply to our spines and feet daily. I make an amazing tea with it, using just one drop mixed with lemon and honey. I mean seriously, if you think it smells amazing, it tastes even better! I love mixing it with my ...