Lammas - the Turning Point of the Year

Lammas is a special holiday (aren't they all), that is shared by many belief systems and paths. It is generally celebrated on August 1st, although some start the celebration the day before.

Lammas is centered on the beginning of the wheat harvest with loaves of bread from the first harvest being baked and blessed for the celebration. It is also the time when Summer metaphorically dies in preparation for Winter. You can read a very basic description of Lammas here.

This time is looked upon as a time of reflection and new beginnings. The first chills of the change in seasons can sometimes be felt. It is bittersweet. Focusing on the future while acknowledging the past is a wonderful way to celebrate this beautiful time of the year.

Traditionally, several cultures will make corn dollys during this celebration in preparation for Spring. It represents the promise of future seed for the next harvest and is typically a shape made of wheat fibers that is filled with seeds from this first harvest. This can be an exceptionally fun activity when there are children present!

Corn Dolly

Corn Husks
Wheat or seeded pieces of grain
Rope to secure
(Plant fibers can be used in place of rope)

1. Choose the final shape intended, this could be the shape of a person, wheel, or anything that speaks to you. It can be as large or as small as you want.

2. Create the shape, securing pieces as needed with fibers or rope.

3. Fill with additional seeds (optional). You can also add papers with prayer requests into your dolly if you feel led to do so.

4. Feel free to display your Lammas Dolly during your celebration and even for a few days after. Then, safely store it until Spring, where I will have a fun activity suggestion for you to do with it!

Have you ever heard of Lammas? Do you celebrate it? If not, do you plan to now? I would love to see pictures of your Lammas celebrations, so please share on Twitter using #alacuisinellc


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