Super Seven: A Crystal Powerhouse!

Let's talk about something fun today!!! Everyone may not be familiar with Super Seven (also know as Melody's Stone), but you definitely should be!

Super Seven has been knicknamed the "Stone of HIgher Consciousness". This particular crystal is a combination of, you guessed it, seven crystals. These crystals are Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Clear Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Geothite, Lepidocrocite, and Rutile. It has the healing properties of each individual crystal!

Some of this crystal's energy has been described as healing, protective, powerful, and grounding. It stimulates awareness, personal power, intuition, stability, strong connection with spirit, meditation, releasing old patterns, and the ability to sense auras. It is known to raise the vibrations of lower frequencies around it. It brings a clarity of mind as it raises vibrations.

This incredible crystal has a reputation for linking all humanity and aids in personal ascension. It assists in physical, intellectual, and spiritual healing. Super Seven brings the soul back into communication with the Divine. It does not ever need to be cleansed or charged. (Although, full disclaimer, I do both with mine. This is my way of caring for it and showing my gratitude.)

Personally, I have noticed such a difference since coming into contact with my Super Seven. I had mine wrapped into a pendant so that I can take it with me everywhere. The energy that I feel from it has undeniably been a healing and elevating personal experience. If this crystal speaks to you, LISTEN and get one!

Raine is an Usui Reiki Master and certified crystal healer. Personalized consultations, readings, as well as crystal and essential oil supplies are all available at! Check out the Services page on this blog for pricing and additional services.


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