
Showing posts from July, 2018

Why Biographies are a Key to Success

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." -George Santayana Today I finished reading  Everybody who was Anybody (a biography of Gertrude Stein).   As I’m putting together the plans for hosting my first salon, it was brought to my attention how valuable it could be to have some background on one of the most famous salons of all. Her story is amazing and I see a great many parallels between her life and my own. I also see quite a few differences. But the thing that resonates the most is seeing how the choices that she made led her to such a glorious life full of the kind of success that most dream of. It’s crucial to our success in life, both personal and professional, to read biographies. To see life through the eyes of those that lived it. To hear personalized accounts from people who were actually there instead of getting all of our historical information from generic history books. Whatever interests you, seek out th...

Boosting your Healing Response with Reiki

There is still so much mystery around Reiki and the amazing benefits that come with it. The core fact to keep in mind is that when our life energy is flowing freely and our body is in a relaxed state, our health and wellness can improve. The daily stresses that we all face make sustaining a relaxed state very challenging. By getting regular Reiki sessions, we can ensure that we are enabling our body to maintain that state that benefits us the most. When our bodies are in a relaxed state, all of our systems can function at an optimal level and these are tangible and undeniable results. Take this article  for instance: "The multileveled, rapid response to Reiki suggests a complex process that engages many body systems, simultaneously or in quick succession, shifting the body from domination by the "fight or flight" (stress) response to the relaxation response, and supporting the body's own healing mechanisms." So, when we are doing all of the t...