New Book!!!
Raine's Realm is proud to announce the prelaunch of our new book "A Month of Crystals and Oils"! Are you interested in using crystals but have no idea where to start? Are you looking for ways to incorporate the use of crystals and essential oils into your daily life? Would you like to know how easy it is to get massive results with easy to follow routines? This book is for you! We'll give you information on FOUR amazing essentials oils and FOUR powerful crystals along with daily ways to incorporate them into your routine. We've also included a section on the basics of getting started with crystals and how to get the most out of your essential oils. This book is perfect for both the novice and seasoned alike and is a wonderful reference to have on hand for years to come! The e-book is available for pre-order now and the paperback will be available by the end of May 2018! Reserve your copy here today for only $3.99 and have it automatically available as s...