
Showing posts from April, 2018

April Newsletter!!!

April is the perfect month to spend extra time focusing on the seeds that you planted in March that are now taking root! Nurturing your plans and focusing on the most productive daily tasks will get you closer to your goals and give you the best results during this time. Remember that the small daily habits lead to the biggest successes! Earth day occurs in April as well and this is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on how we are all connected. Seeing those around you as your fellow travelers through life gives you a sense of comraderie that leads to a positive outlook in all areas of your life. We are all in this together! Correspondences of the Month : Crystal : Bloodstone Oil: Lime Colors: Light Blue and Yellow Herb: Lavender Element: Fire If you're not already doing so, take 10-15 minutes a day to meditate. Opening yourself up to the peace and focus that come with this amazing practice will equip you to handle your future successes mentally and physically! Sta...