
Showing posts from January, 2017

Are you getting the most use out of your flatware?

Flatware used to be very coveted tools that were considered a luxury. In modern times, it seems that a single fork on the table at each place setting is accepted as adequate. This is an injustice that has led to sloppy eating habits and a loss of etiquette as well as manners. At the absolute minimum, a place setting should have a knife and fork. Preferably a bread knife on a bread plate as well if the meal so dictates. Having a dinner knife allows you a "pusher" for getting smaller bites of food onto your fork. This eliminates the need to shovel bites of food off of your plate and into your mouth. Having a separate bread knife ensures that your butter stays clean and that guests can access the butter as needed. Its terrible to use your dinner knife on your dinner only to find out that you were expected to use it on the butter first. If you will not have bread knives, ensure that your guests have access to the butter before soiling their dinner knives. If you have ...

Teach Patience and Build Your Toddlers Confidence with this Easy Yogurt Cake

Children can learn so much from making things in the kitchen. Not only does it teach them patience and how to follow instructions, but it also teaches science and builds confidence. The younger that you start allowing children to help in the kitchen, the better. In France, it is customary for children to bake on the weekends. They start at around three years old. They will bake in the morning and enjoy the treats for their afternoon snack. This helps teach patience. It also breaks the cycle of instant gratification. This is a wonderful approach that sets children up for success throughout their lives. One of the earliest recipes that children delve into is the yogurt cake. This cake is perfect for small hands. It uses two 6 oz. yogurt containers that then become the measuring cups for most of the other ingredients. This recipe is very forgiving, so if a cup is overflowing or not filled all the way to the top, the cake will still turn out well. You can allow children to get ...

Make Meal Times Easier with this Simple Habit

Have you ever had that moment where you just finished cooking dinner after a stressful, hectic, crazy day, and its much later than your family's normal dinner time, and as you triumphantly announce that its ready, you realize that the table has not been set? Now dinner is getting cold while everyone pitches in, grabbing the plates, saucers, flatware, glasses, napkins, and condiments. Dinner is now cold. What's the solution? Everyone knows that I am a big planner. I am a firm believer that meal planning can make life so much easier. And meal planning is crucial for this habit to work. Its best if you know what the next meal is going to be, or at least have a basic idea of what it will consist. You can find more information on meal planning and prep  here . After you clear the table following a meal, set it for the next meal. Simple right? At minimum, put out the plates, saucers, and cloth napkins. Then, if you have children they can put out the flatware and condiments whi...

Younique Cosmetics Interview with Traci!

We have probably all experienced that moment when our makeup is perfectly applied, only to have it ruined during a dinner party or special occasion. What is a woman to do? I was fortunate enough to get to interview the woman who has all of the answers, Traci with Younique cosmetics! Tracie has been with Younique for about eighteen months now. She has a large number of devoted clients and she improves women's lives on a daily basis. Here are her answers to our most pressing questions. Interview 1. When was Younique founded and what sets Younique apart from other companies? Younique has been around for less than four and a half years. It was founded with the purpose of funding the Younique Foundation to uplift, empower, and validate women. The Younique Foundations serves to provide women and children that are victims of sexual abuse with resources, counciling, and education. 2. What is some advice that you would give women when it comes to choosing the right cosmetic...

Why Dressing Presentable Always Will Change Your Life

Its so easy to get caught up in the social norm of wearing yoga pants or tattered clothes everywhere you go. And, who cares? Your friends should accept you just the way that you are and no one else matters, right? Wrong. Here's a basic explanation of why. When you dress well, you should first and foremost be doing it for yourself. If you regularly wear workout clothes everywhere, have you noticed the profound change that you feel when you dress for an occasion? You will normally feel better, have more confidence, and be mindful of what you're doing. When you take pride in your appearance, you are practicing self-love. And when you practice self-love, you tend to take pride in your appearance. It shows that we respect ourselves and are worth the effort. It also shows others that we respect them. We are treated better by others because we make the effort to treat ourselves well. We are setting the standard for how the world interacts with us. Now, I'm not suggesti...

Plan your Starbucks Dates Carefully

That moment when you're having an amazing date night with your husband. The anticipation. The joy of making yourself extra pretty. You have your Starbucks gift card and you are ready to go! This is a tale of planning ahead and knowing thy limits. When we arrived at Starbucks, we were so excited that it was actually slow. There were maybe four or five people inside, a few others enjoying the seating on the patio. Did I mention that it was seven at night. We were both optimistic that we would be able to enjoy our highly caffeinated delights with no late-night repercussions. My husband got a chocolatey frappacinno and I ordered the smoked caramel. We got them almost immediately and they were amazing. We sipped them slowly in the peace and quiet, enjoying our view of the moon from the window. It was peaceful, romantic, delicious. We finished our drinks and decided to get refills. This one time, frugality was not on our side. I ordered an iced coffee and my husband got swe...

Aprons - Not Just for Previous Generations

We all have those fond memories if our grandmothers or great-grandmothers going about their housework and cooking in their aprons. Somehow, aprons started becoming less important and it stopped being normal for women to make them a priority. This is a big mistake and I'll explain why. Now, you might be thinking that there's really no point in wearing aprons because you're just wearing your "house clothes" anyway. Well, this is the point where you stop selling yourself short. I'm a big advocate of dressing well at all times. It doesn't matter if I have a million errands that day or I'm staying home. This has several beneficial effects. By dressing well, I feel better about myself. I'm more motivated to accomplish things throughout the day. I don't have to worry about unexpected guests. I don't have to worry about the fact that we just ran out if milk and now I have to get dressed and do makeup and hair to leave the house. I'm read...

Look Your Best With this Easy Dinner Party Tip!

When you're hosting a dinner party and you're the cook, jewelry can become a challenge. You want to look your best, but rings and bracelets can get caked in ingredients. And, necklaces can take unintentional dives in that perfect casserole as you're checking it in the oven. What is a woman to do? I was recently reading an amazing book on entertaining. The Charleston Academy of Domestic Pursuits is a treasure trove of amazing insights to entertaining. One gem from the book that I want to share is the secret jewelry tip that is a must for hostesses. Earrings! Yes, earrings. Big, statement earrings. When you're cooking for a special event, this is the one jewelry item that is safe from all things cooking. They add to your glamour and will dress up your outfit without getting caked in sauces and flour. They are your safe choice to be a dazzling chef while serving up that traditional secret family recipe to all of your guests. Pick the earrings that you don'...

Are Your Portion Sizes Out of Control?

We all know that when we go out to eat, we are given ridiculous portion sizes. Quanity has topped quality and our health and waist lines are suffering. The good news is that we don't have to let our out of control portion sizes dictate our lives as long as we exercise some proper planning. The key to correct portions is developing those habits at home. When you plate your food, don't pile it high, covering every inch of your plate. In fact, no food should ever go around the rim of your plate. You should be able to see your plate through your food. It should be delicately placed, preferably in a way that's aesthetically pleasing. We have all heard the ratio that half of the plate should be vegetables, one quarter starch, and one quarter protein. But, what about the fact that there are a multitude of plate sizes on the market. The ratio is not to be taken literally. It means that out of the proper portion sizes, you should aim for twice as much vegetables as starch and...

Sweatman's Barbecue, Eutawville, South Carolina

It was an overcast, cold day as I pulled into the dirt parking lot of Sweatman's Barbecue. The solid white, pig-shaped sign is simple and tells you everything you need to know. As I walked up to the front door, across the historic front porch, I was transported back to a simpler time. The smell of barbecue creating a spark of excitement in the anticipation of the meal to come. The restaurant is comprised of additions to an old house. You can still admire the rugged construction and smaller doorways in certain dining rooms. As you enter through the front door, there is a guest book filled with signatures from all over the world. The menu consists of an all-you-can-eat option, a one-time-though option, as well as to-go plates, and meats, hashes, and other delights sold in various quantities. The buffet consists of baked macaroni and cheese, baked beans, green beans, skins, rice, hash, chicken, white and dark meat pork, ribs, coleslaw, dill and bread and butter pickles, brea...

Your New Year's Resolutions Should Include Vinegar

We are constantly bombarded on tv, in magazines, and in stores by ads for various cleaners. The cheaper ones are chemical-laden and the natural ones can get really pricey. Some work and some don't. How can we navigate all of these choices? Easy, ditch the store bought cleaners and make your own! Using vinegar as a cleaner has so many benefits. It's effective and it's a fraction of the cost. I've heard some protest to the use of vinegar because they are not a big fan of the smell. Well, not to worry, the smell of vinegar dissipates as it dries. I like to use tea tree essential oil in my vinegar cleaner, but you can use so many others. I've known others who use lavender, lemon, cedar, the possibilities are limitless. So, feel free to find the essential oil that is best suited for your individual needs. I, personally prefer tea tree oil because it is a natural disinfectant and mold killer. It gives that extra boost to the vinegar so I can clean with confidence. ...

Are diet foods bad for you?

Most of us have reached for the diet soda or artificial sweeteners at some point when trying to lose weight. Unfortunantly, artificial sweeteners can actually rob us of our health and cause additional weight gain. Weight Gain - Our bodies react to fake sugar the same way as the real stuff. It triggers signals that cause fat to be stored instead of burned. Dulls taste buds - the intense flavors of sweeteners such as aspartame overload tastebuds hindering us from being able to enjoy the subtle sweetness of things like fruit. Disprupts body's natural ability to regulate calories - when our bodies are flooded with synthetic foods, it hinders the body's natural ability to handle hunger and full cues. Depression - Artificial sweeteners have been linked to a 30% increase in risk of depression. Aspartame has been categorized as a neurotoxin by the EPA right alongside arsenic. Damages kidneys - artificial ingredients put an unnecessary strain on kidneys which are i...

Do You Truly Experience Your Food?

In this day and age, many of us have lives so demanding that we have become accustomed to rushing. One common sacrifice is the act of savoring our food. To consume anything at all some days is sadly considered a victory. Meals are one of the most primary functions that we achieve throughout the day. How we approach them says a lot about our personalities. If we treat meals as an inconvenience or something that merits little more than an afterthought, then we are telling ourselves that we are not worth the effort. We are stifling our own importance. We must love ourselves enough to savor our meals. We all deserve to have the time to experience our food. Interesting things happen when we do this. Our taste buds may change. We realize that certain foods taste differently when we take the time to chew. Slow eating also leads to better digestion and becoming full from less food. To truly savor your meals, start in the kitchen by savoring the various aromas. Allow your anticipati...